If you agree to bring her items listed below, she will allow you to the next part of the quest, which will let you make Valkyrie set items. She will inform you that she's looking for brave warriors willing to defend the world against evil and darkness. Step 1: To start Break the Seal quest talk to the NPC 'Guardian of Prontera' located at prontera 159 197

Bisento, Dark Blade, Katana and Cutlass received an animation update in Update 17 - Part 2 and may be the first Swords to do so.This is the guide on how to obtain Valkyrie Items and Sleipnir and the Surprise Mission it provides after you finish the quest.No stunning moves which is bad for pvp.

Good for grinding because of multi-target skills and AoE.

The user launches a translucent sphere, damaging all entities within range. The user launches four wind slashes, akin to Soul Cane's X ability, albeit much larger but lesser in quantity, knocking back entities within range. To obtain Bisento, the player must buy it from the Master Sword Dealer, which is located on an island at Skylands, for B$1,000,000, but you must be atleast level 250 to buy it.